We always recommend you to start your research by talking to your relatives. This is the best way to gather facts about names and dates and places. Are there photos? Are there old family lores? These are not always correct, but they are still a good clue.

Next step is to contact us. Our services include:

  • Research in Swedish and American records
  • A detailed report, that will not only give you names, dates and places, but also maps and information about how the family lived, what they worked with and possible reasons for emigration
  • Genealogical heritage tours for individuals or any size group. Each tour is unique.
  • Contacts with new family members, address research, help with letters of introduction etc

We are members of the Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societies, The Genealogical Society for Östergötland, Swedish Roots and DIS – The Swedish Society for Computer Genealogy. We are also proudmembers of the Network Genealogical Adventures in Sweden: http://ngasweden.com